We at Alent Dynamic AB is very proud to have been named as one of Sweden's Gazelle by the newspaper Dagens Industri. It shows that there are very large and growing demand for our new way to dry lumber.
The criterias for being appointed as a Gazelle company are hard. According to researchers from the Stockholm School of Economics manages about 0.5 percent of the Swedish limited company requirements for designation to Gazelle. Every autumn, Dagens Industri crowns the company who has grown most rapidly throughout Sweden during the past four years.
a Gazelle
• have published at least four annual reports.
• have a turnover exceeding 10 million.
• have at least ten employees.
• have the last three years continuously increased turnover.
• During the same period, at least doubled its turnover.
• have a positive operating profit for the four financial years is positive.
• has essentially grown organically, not through acquisitions or mergers.
• have sound finances.